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Receive your monthly Imparato usage report every month


November 02, 2022

🕓 1 minute

au sommet, réplique par réplique

Since the summer of 2022, at the beginning of each month, you receive your imparato usage report: the number of rehearsal sessions on each of your texts and the total time it represents over the month.

It's always gratifying to see all the work done over the past month, isn't it? It's like climbing a mountain, once you reach the top, it's exhilarating to look down into the valley and see how far you've come…

At Imparato, we like to see you as alpinists, climbing your texts cue by cue 🧗

Of course, we only collect this usage data if you allow us to (the setting is in the account settings, on the app) and the data does not stay on our servers for long.

For the time being, only users who have used Imparato at least 20 minutes during the month are eligible for the monthly report. So if you want to receive yours, you know what you have to do ;-)

Finally, if you would like us to expand the report with other information, the most/least worked line, the scene you know the least or the most etc etc … feel free to make your requests on our [Improvement Requests] page (https://www.imparato.io/feature_requests).