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Solutions to syntax errors


When editing a play, syntax errors can prevent automatic saving, here is how to avoid them and solve them simply.

Display the details of an error

editor with syntax error

When your play contains errors, the errors are listed in the lower toolbar.

Move your cursor over the error indicator to see the line(s) involved and the error details.

The lines containing the errors are also indicated in the margin by an icon . Move your cursor to the margin to see the error details.

Solve an error

There are 4 possible error messages, here is how to solve them.

Error: the character name is invalid

The beginning of a new line and the declaration of a character is done thanks to the character @ at the beginning of the line, the characters detected by the system appear in blue. To be considered valid, the following label must contain at least one character.

Valid characters names πŸ‘

A name can contain one or more words.

@The valet

A name can be followed by a stage direction.

@Armande (playful)

A line may be shared by several characters.


Here Armande and Henriette. In this case, we write the wording to be displayed just after the @, then we list the characters concerned, by their name (without the @), adding : after the wording to be displayed and a + between each character name concerned.

Error: invalid stage direction, it must open and close on the same line.

A line must contain as many opening brackets as closing brackets.

If one of your stage correction is spread over several lines, each line must begin and end with parentheses.

Valid stage direction πŸ‘

@Philaminte (irritated)
(Seeing Martine.) And I don't want to... What! I see you, marauding!
(A moment)
(Philaminte and Martine turn their backs)

Stage directions can be placed anywhere in your play, as well as after a character label.

Invalid stage direction πŸ‘Ž


The stage direction contains a line break.

(A long time)

The line contains more opening than closing parentheses.

Error: The line contains no text

Make sure your lines contain at least one character.

Valid line πŸ‘

Yes, my sister.


Each line contains text.

(A long time)

The line contains more opening than closing parentheses.

Error: The line contains no text

Make sure your lines contain at least one character.

Valid line πŸ‘

Yes, my sister.


Each line contains text.

Error: the line will be ignored because it is not included in the play

If your play contains scenes, no text should appear before the first scene, it will be ignored by the system.

Move your play below the first scene, or add a dummy scene to the very beginning of your play.

A scene is declared with the character #, for example: # Scene 1.

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